Monday, January 28, 2008

My Alma Mater

This is the Year of Energy at NC State. Having received my M.S. from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and my Ph.D. from the College of Natural Resources, I must admit to being quite proud of the Wolfpack family.

The General


Anonymous said...

The Year of Energy is not just a great idea, it is huge. More universities and institutions need to step up and follow the lead of NC State. Current students and our younger generations are going to be the one's that will be making our energy decisions. We must open our minds and the minds of the youth in order to make a change. The few megawatts that State’s new array produces are not much. It is the idea behind them, I believe, that State is trying to bring forth: We need to increase the production and use of clean energy right now. Go Pack!

Drew Moxon said...

On a related note, as a form of alternative energy for the shipping industry, I read this and thought it was interesting:

Anonymous said...

We should all look at the decisions we make on a daily basis when it comes to the use of energy. Shutting lights off when not using a room, turning off our electronics. We should also encourage UNCW to incorporate this type of plan, as the one in NCState, in the environmental plan they are putting together for the college.

Anonymous said...

Everything sounded great for the Environmental fair and the solar array. I was wondering how much forest they cleared to put the photovoltaic system in place? Why not put it on rooftops of the library and other buildings? Seems it would have saved a tree or two.
Jonathan Forte

Anonymous said...

NC State is doing a great thing with The Year Of Energy. Other universities and institutions are actually following in this direction but I think we could enlist all the help we can get as a whole, because the more people that get involved, the less everyone has to do and the lighter the load. I also came across the alternate shipping fuel segment on msnbc and found it extremely interesting.

Clynnc74 said...

Absolutely a wonderful idea! More universities should follow NC State's lead. There are so many ways that UNCW and each of us as individual's can eliminate the waste of enegry!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a wondeful thing.. The Year of Energy. I think that schools like UNCW, Chapill Hill, and App. State should back the efforts of N.C. State. If schools of North Carolina join, then others will follow. Clean Energy!

Anonymous said...

hey why cant we have a Year of Energy at uncw? at least work on some sort of similar green building initiative?if the schools going to tear down our forests here, the least they could do is install a few solar panels to sweeten the deal for the anguished EVS students jealous of NC States more sensitive ears..